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Free Legal Forms page - Agreement for Extension of Lease


This Agreement is made and entered in this _______(1)____ day of ________(2)
________, _________(3)__________, between _________(4)____________, of
________________(5)__________________, hereinafter referred to as "Landlord" and
________(6)_______, of ___________(7)_____________, hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"
regarding the premises of
Landlord generally located at _________(8)_________ and leased to Tenant under a lease
dated ______(9)______, the term of which is to expire _______(10)________.
Now, therefore, it is agreed as follows:
1. The above-described lease is hereby renewed for a term of __________(11)_____
beginning ________(12)____________ and ending ___________(13)____________.
2. All terms, provisions and covenants of the above-described lease shall remain in full
force for the duration of the extended term, except as noted.
3. In connection with this renewal, the rent, payable monthly, shall be $________(14)
__________ per month.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date
first above written.

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when formulating business or personal plans. Due to the variances of many local, city, county
and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counseling before entering into
any contract or agreement.