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I, _________(18)_____________, lessor named in the above assignment of that lease
executed by me on _______(19)__________, _________(20)_________, consent to that
assignment. I also consent to the agreement by assignee to assume after ________(21)
_________, ___________(22)_________, the payment of rent and performance of all duties and
obligations as set forth in the lease, and release ___________(23)_________, lessee and
assignor, from all duties and obligations under the lease, including the payment of rent, after
_______(24)___________, ___________(25)_______, and accept assignee as lessee in the
place of ________(26)__________, lessee and assignor.
Dated __________(27)___________, _____________(28)___________.

The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow
when formulating business or personal plans. Due to the variances by many local, city, county
and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counseling before entering into
any contract or agreement.