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This Declaration of Irrevocable Trust is made this _(1)_ day of ________(2)________,
____(3)_, by and between _______(4)_______, of ___________(5)______________, hereinafter
called the Trustier, and __________(6)__________, of ____________(7)______________,
hereinafter called the Trustee.
The Trustor hereby irrevocably assigns, conveys and gives to the Trustee, in trust, the
following property:
(Description of Property)
The Trustee shall receive and hold said property, together with any additions thereto, in
trust for the use and benefit of:
This trust shall be irrevocable and unamendable. I am aware of the consequences of
establishing an irrevocable trust and hereby affirm that the trust created by this agreement shall
be irrevocable by me or by any other person, it being my intention to make to the
beneficiary/beneficiaries named herein an absolute gift of the property described in paragraph
ONE, above.
This agreement and the trust created hereby shall be administered, managed, governed
and regulated in all respects according to applicable statutes of the State of ______(8)______.
The Trustee, in addition to all other powers granted by this agreement and by law, shall
have the following additional powers with respect to the trust, to be exercised from time to time at
the Trustee's discretion:
Management of the Trust
To invest and reinvest, lease, rent, mortgage, insure, repair, improve or sell any of the
real and personal property of the trust as he may deem advisable.
Business Interests
To sell or otherwise liquidate, or to continue to operate at his discretion, any corporation,
partnership or other business interest which may be received by the trust.
Mortgages, Pledges and Deeds of Trust
To enforce any and all mortgages, pledges and deeds of trust held by the trust and to
purchase at any sale thereunder any such real estate or personal property subject to any
mortgage, pledge or deed of trust.
To initiate or defend, at his discretion, any litigation affecting the trust.
Attorneys, Advisors and Agents
To employ and to pay from the trust reasonable compensation to such attorneys,
accountants, brokers, and investment, tax and other advisors as he shall deem advisable.
Adjustment of Claims
To submit to arbitration, to compromise or to release or otherwise adjust, with or without
compensation, any and all claims affecting the trust estate.
No bond for the faithful performance of duties shall be required of any Trustee appointed
under this agreement.
The Trustee shall receive reasonable compensation for the services performed by him,
but such compensation shall not exceed the amount customarily received by corporate fiduciaries
in the area for like services.
No Trustee of the trust created by this agreement shall at any time be held liable for any
action or default of himself, or of his agent, or of any other person in connection with the
administration and management of this trust unless caused by his own gross negligence or by
commission of a willful act of breach of trust.
The Trustee, by joining in the execution of this agreement, hereby signifies his
acceptance of this trust.
The Trustee shall have sole authority to determine what shall be defined as income and
what shall be defined as principal of the trust established by this agreement, and to determine
which costs, taxes and other expenses shall be paid out of income and which shall be paid out of
In the event that any portion of this agreement or the trust created hereby shall be held
illegal, invalid or otherwise inoperative, it is my intention that all of the other provisions hereof
shall continue to be fully effective and operative insofar as is possible and reasonable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and
year first above written.
____________(9)_________________ ____________(10)_______________
____________(9)_________________ ____________(11)_______________
I, the undersigned spouse of the above-described Trustor, do hereby waive and
relinquish any and all claim to whatever community-property rights I may have in the herein
above-described property and do give and grant my assent to the trust and to the
incorporation therein of said property.
____________(9)_________________ ____________(12)_______________
Legal Spouse of Trustier
STATE OF ________(13)___________)
COUNTY OF _______(14)___________)
On this _(15)_ day of _______(16)________, ____(17)_, before me personally came and
appeared _________(18)___________ and _________(19)___________, known, and known to
me, to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and who duly
acknowledged to me that they executed same for the purpose therein contained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires: _________(21)___________

The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow
when formulating business or personal plans. Due to the variances of many local, city, county
and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counseling before entering into
any contract or agreement.