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This lease of ____________________________(1)___________________________,
made __________________(2)_____________, by and between __________(3)____________,
whose address is _________________________(4)_________, hereinafter called Lessor, and
______________________(5)_____________, whose address is
________________________(6)______________________, hereinafter called Lessee,
1. That Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee leases from Lessor, subject to the
terms and conditions herein set forth, the following (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the
Make and Model Manufacturer's Serial No. Registration No.
Together with all equipment and accessories attached thereto or used in connection
therewith including the following:
All of which are included in the term Property as used herein. Lessee hereby
acknowledges delivery and acceptance of the aforesaid Property upon the terms and conditions
of this lease.
2. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee said Property for the purpose of
3. The term of this lease is __________________(9)____________, beginning this day
and ending _________(10)______________.
4. In consideration of said lease, Lessee covenants and agrees as follows:
(a) To pay to Lessor for the possession and use of said Property for the purpose
aforesaid, _______________(11)______________ dollars ($______________________),
payable as follows: ____________(20)___________.
(b) To safely keep and carefully use the Property and not sell or attempt to sell, remove
or attempt to remove, the same or any part thereof, except reasonably for the purpose aforesaid.
(c) Lessee shall, during the term of this lease and until return and delivery of the
Property to Lessor, abide by and conform to, and cause others to abide by and conform to, all
laws and governmental and airport orders, rules and regulations, including any future
amendments thereto, controlling or in any manner affecting operation, use or occupancy of said
Property or use of airport premises by said Property.
(d) Lessee shall pay all taxes, assessments and charges on said Property or its use
during the time he is in possession of the same, imposed by federal, state, municipal or other
public, or other authority; save Lessor free and harmless therefrom; and to these ends reimburse
Lessor on a pro rata basis for such taxes or charges paid by Lessor hereto or hereafter.
(e) Lessee accepts the Property in its present condition, and during the term of this lease
and until return and delivery of the Property Lessor the Lessee shall maintain it in its present
condition, reasonable wear and tear occurring despite standards of good maintenance of
Property excepted, and shall repair at his own expense any damages to said Property caused by
operation or use by lessee or by others during the term of this lease and until delivery of the
Property to Lessor.
(f) Neither Lessee nor others shall have the right to incur any mechanic's or other lien in
connection with the repair, maintenance or storage of said Property, and Lessee agrees that
neither he nor others will attempt to convey or mortgage or create any lien of any kind or
character against the same or do anything or take action that might mature into such a lien.
(g) Lessee shall be responsible and liable to Lessor for, and indemnify Lessor against,
any and all damage to the Property, which occurs in any manner from any cause or causes
during the term of this lease or until return and delivery of the Property to Lessor. Lessee shall be
responsible and liable for, indemnify Lessor against, hold Lessor free and harmless from any
claim or claims of any kind whatsoever for or from, and promptly pay any judgment for, any and
all liability for personal injuries, death or property damages, or any of them, which arise or in any
manner are occasioned by the acts or negligence of Lessee or others in the custody, operation or
use of, or with respect to, said Property, during the term of this lease or until return and delivery
of the Property to Lessor.
(h) Lessee will keep insured from and including this day until return and delivery of the
Property to Lessor, in such company or companies as Lessor shall approve, according to
applicable standard forms of policy, and for the benefit of Lessor, (1) against loss or damage from
any cause or causes to the Property for the full value thereof in the amount of one million dollars,
and (2) against liability for personal injuries, death, or property damages, or any of them, arising
or in any manner occasioned by the acts or negligence of Lessee or others in the custody,
operation or use of, or with respect to said Property, in the amount of one million dollars relative
to personal injuries and/or death and one million dollars relative to property damages.
(i) Lessee shall return and deliver, at the expiration of the term herein granted, the whole
of said Property to the Lessor in as good condition as the same is, reasonable wear and tear
(j) It is mutually agreed that in case Lessee shall violate any of the aforesaid covenants,
terms and conditions Lessor may at his option without notice terminate this lease and take
possession of said Property wherever found.
___________(13)________________ ____________(14)______________
___________(13)________________ ____________(15)______________

The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow
when formulating business or personal plans. Due to the variances of many local, city, county
and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counseling before entering into
any contract or agreement.